The second contact method you need to offer is a toll free number. This is a requirement for accepting right to know and delete requests. There is an exception for businesses that never interact with consumers offline, and who have a direct relationship with all of their consumers, however, given the data collection that occurs in online advertising and offline marketing activities, relying on this exception is either impractical or impossible for many modern businesses. That said, there is no requirement to staff a call center to handle toll-free number requests in real time. Instead, you can find a toll-free number for CCPA that uses a phone menu and voicemail system to turn these requests into structured data. Here’s an example of how an enterprise solutions company implemented the 866-I-OPT-OUT toll-free number service for privacy requests, placing it in a section of their privacy policy dedicated to the CCPA. Note my company CCPA Toll Free provides this privacy hotline.