Comprehensive Compliance
Training for CCPA
Our free 30-minute, CPE credit eliglble video privacy training course helps businesses comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act’s training requirement for customer employees and managers.

Who Should Take This Course?
The CCPA requires training for everyone who either handles consumer inquiries or who is responsible for CCPA compliance within a business.
That includes customer care teams, store associates in brick and mortar stores, the teams who design products, engineers and IT staff who implement products, apps and websites that collect data, and marketing and other executives who decide which information to collect and possibly to sell.
Step One: Watch the CCPA Training Video
In 30 minutes, this video course featuring attorney Marc Mandel covers the CCPA with a focus on everyday interactions that make up the most visible signs of compliance: disclosures about what information the business collects, shares and/or sells, what privacy rights the CCPA grants to consumers, what methods consumers can use exercise their rights, and best practices responding to consumer privacy requests. While you watch, write down the two training code words that will appear in the top right corner of the screen to demonstrate your attention to the video.
Step Two: Take the CCPA Learning Quiz
Click the Get Certificate page on this website to start the CCPA quiz. The quiz consists of ten learning questions and is timed to be completed in 15 minutes or less. Hint: one question will ask if you’ve reviewed your company’s privacy policy and another will ask you to the enter the training code words provided during the video.
Step Three: Obtain Your CCPA Training Certificate
After completing the quiz, all participants will receive a certificate demonstrating their completion of the course by email within 48 hours. All participants will receive a certificate regardless of their quiz score, and the CCPA quiz score will be shown on each certificate. Send your certificate to your manager or legal department so they can document your training in the company’s compliance files. For CPE credit, please use this form.
Click Below to Watch the CCPA Training Video
Looking for help with CCPA?
This training course is brought to you by CCPA Toll Free, a provider of simple, cost-effective tools for CCPA compliance.